Founder: Callum Dooley


WWW.COM is a venture by Callum Dooley intended to create local print-media content to share art and opinions while giving local businesses and organizations the opportunity to put their word out. Ideally this could expand into event hosting and being a more public platform for young writers and artists to submit work.


One potential revenue stream would come from local shops, event spaces, etc. purchasing ad space once the model can be proven to work with a few starter issues. Another could come from the readers of the zine, likely 15 – 25 yr olds involved with the community and atlanta culture, though ideally the zine could be distributed for cheap or free, as that is often expected of that medium.


Current competitors include the wide-reaching abilities of social media. Companies generally take the approach that will reach the most people rather than that that will get the highest success rate, so as well tailored as the ads may be, companies may still be unlikely to opt for a zine. Other competitors include Atlanta-based Zines.